The Netherlands, 5 - 16 August 2023
Registrations to attend Haarlem Jamborette has now closed.
To register on our reserve list, please see link at the bottom of this page.
Haarlem Jamborette is a large international camp that takes place for 12 days in the Netherlands every 4 years. BSO Area attended the last Jamborette in 2019 and we look forward to attending again in August 2023.
This camp gives you the chance to attend a jamboree outside of the UK, meet up with thousands of other scouts and take part in a large range of activities such as sailing, kayaking, arts and crafts, sightseeing, climbing towers, zip-lines and tons more! There are also several parties throughout the camp including amazing opening and closing ceremonies. For everyone who attends, it is likely to be the highlight of their childhood!
It is a camp for around 3,000 Scouts and Explorers aged 10-17 from anywhere in the world.
There are already participants signed up from the UK, USA, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Denmark, Turkey, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Italy, Malta, Russia, America, Canada, Israel, India & Ghana. With such a mix of scouts, this will allow you to experience a true jamboree experience.
Explorers and Scouts cook for themselves using the food provided daily by the camp food services team and will cater for any dietary requirements we are told about.
Lots more information on the Haarlem Jamborette website:
Saturday 5th August 2023 to Wednesday 16th August 2023
The camp’s opening ceremony is Sunday 06th August and the amazing closing ceremony on Tuesday 15th August.
Any BSO members aged 10-17 can join us even if their normal adult leader(s) cannot attend. Our young people will be looked after by a fantastic team of trained and experienced adult leaders from BSO Scout Groups across the world led by Nathan Prince, your Contingent Leader and Area Commissioner for 2ND HELLESDON (37TH NORWICH) SCOUT GROUP.
Adult Members: We need adult volunteers to assist with the BSO contingent (for more infomation see the Adult Volunteer tab). Adults must have a BSO role and full Scouting DBS. Due to safeguarding rules, no other adults will be allowed to stay on the camp (including parents).
Please Note: Unfortunately we can only take members from 2ND HELLESDON (37TH NORWICH) SCOUT GROUP. Please do not apply to join us if you are not a member of 2ND HELLESDON (37TH NORWICH) SCOUT GROUP.
1) Independent Travel
2) Meet at Amsterdam, Schiphol Airport (AMS)
The total cost for the event will be €600 per person, including camp fees, airport transfer, all meals, drinks, snacks, activities, camp t-shirt & neckerchief. This is an approximate amount and may change slightly.
Does not include: Travel to the campsite, general spending money, souvenirs, snacks & drinks purchased in the evenings & at the parties.
You may pay in full or in monthly instalments. The final balance of payment will be due by April 2023.
The cost of this event should NOT be a barrier to attending Haarlem Jamborette 2023. Parents of any young person of BSO who wishes to attend the camp but have a low-family-income or other financial hardship, should contact us in complete confidence as we may be able to offer some financial assistance if there is genuine hardship.
We need adult leaders and volunteers to make this happen but there is a strict maximum 6:1 (Scout:Adult) ratio for the camp. It may be necessary to prioritise BSO contingent adult places dependent on number of Scouts and your role in the planning and preparation of the camp.
Registrations to attend Haarlem Jamborette has now closed.
To register on our reserve list click here -
We cannot guarantee attendance but will do our best to fill any places that become vacant.
They will need spending money for any souvenirs, snacks or drinks they wish to purchase around the site and on trips out. We will operate a Camp Bank to look after the bulk of the money so that it doesn’t get lost. They will need to ask to withdraw money from it.
The camp is a secure, fenced site with 24hr security team.
Each sub-camp has toilet and shower facilities.
If we’re a long walk from the toilets, we will also have our own separate night toilets.
We have several first aid qualified leaders. For anything we can’t deal with ourselves, there is a central first aid/medical centre with doctors & nurses on hand 24 hours a day
The image below shows a snap-shot of flights from Google. Please check direct for the latest information.
Registrations to attend Haarlem Jamborette closed at
midnight Saturday 14th January 2023.
The main BSO contingent is full to capacity and we are now operating a reserve list. To register a place on our reserve list (both young people and adults), please complete the following form:
We cannot guarantee attendance but will do our best to fill any places that become vacant.
Young people first: safeguarding and safety in Scouting
Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 1026431
Part of The Scout Association
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 306101
Gilwell Park, Chingford, London, E4 7QW