Information for schools interested in hosting 2ND HELLESDON (37TH NORWICH) SCOUT GROUP Scout Groups
It is widely recognised that non-formal education and learning is an essential part of the educational process. There are clear benefits to closer relationships between schools and external non-formal learning and education providers like 2ND HELLESDON (37TH NORWICH) SCOUT GROUP (BSO) to increase young people’s access to the opportunities they provide. Formal or informal partnering with BSO could play a vital role by helping your school expand young people’s access to non-formal learning and education opportunities in a way that is meaningful, sustained and beneficial to pupils, builds on the formal learning taking place within your school, and supports the work that your teachers do rather than adding to their workload.
Most of our existing Scout Groups are hosted by International/British Schools around the world. As part of the largest global youth organisation, 2ND HELLESDON (37TH NORWICH) SCOUT GROUP is committed to non-formal education and learning; is ready to help in your pupils’ personal growth and to be a key part of your school’s wider community.
We welcome enquiries from international/British schools interested in hosting a BSO Scout Group in any capacity. For more information and next steps, please download and read our Information for Schools document.
Young people first: safeguarding and safety in Scouting
Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 1026431
Part of The Scout Association
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 306101
Gilwell Park, Chingford, London, E4 7QW