Team BSO is made up of Team Leaders, Subject Matter Specialists, Advisers and Team Members, including 4 District Lead Volunteers who lead Scouting across BSO.
I’ve been active in Scouting since I joined as a Cub, progressing through all the sections at my group, 2nd Inverness (Kingsmills) becoming a leader in 2002. I was delighted to be appointed GSL in 2016 whilst continuing with the Scout Section, after several years holding District and Regional roles.
In my role as Area Lead Volunteer, I lead our leadership team who provide leadership, guidance and support to our members across BSO.
I started Scouting in 1st Salmiya Kuwait group in the Middle East District as a Cub, then Scout, Explorer and eventually Young Leader. Later moving into the Northern Europe District as DDYC and then DYC (as well as Network member!).
Outside of Scouting, I go to Loughborough University and am studying International Relations (although currently on a placement year working in internal communications and global campaigns).
I’m really excited to be BSO’s first Area Youth Lead, working alongside Alex, the DYC’s and Area team to develop Youth Led Scouting across the Area. 😊
I started my Scouting life as a Cub Leader before changing to Beaver Scout Leader and was one of the first groups in Warrington to start the section. I have held many roles in Warrington and Cheshire at Group, District and County Level.
Outside of Scouting I am a trustee for a dog fundraising team who raise funds for Spaniels all over the world. This is all done online using Facebook. I am also a member of Rock Choir and have joined Rock & Sign where we are learning to sign the songs we learn at choir so that next year when out on gigs we can sign to our audience.
Scouting has been a key part of my life having been a member since 1971. Along my Scouting journey highlights have included the achievement of the Queens Scout Award and the award of an Explorer Belt and having the chance to attend a number of World Jamboree's
For the last 20 years my Scouting has been outside of the UK, living in the Middle East and taking various roles with BSO and Scouts BSA
I love walking, power boating and outdoor activities in general and I volunteer with a number of organizations and charities both Scouting and non Scouting related.
I am happy to be rejoining the BSO Area Team and to take on the role to lead the delivery of the new Transformation strategy
I have been living in Dubai for over 25 years and have been scouting since 2013, where I started out as a Cub leader to help out at my sons' group.
As I've watched Dubai grow over the years, my scouting journey has too where I am currently DC for the Middle East District.
My highlights are camping with 1st Dubai and I have enjoyed being involved in the ME District camps plus representing BSO in a few UK jamborees over the years.
I started my scouting journey in 2009 as a parent helper driving the group minibus then having caught the scouting bug I agreed to become the group chairman. Over the years I have taken many roles including acting Group Scout Leader, District Chairman, and County administrator.
In my day-to-day life, I spend my time between Germany and the UK as the Chief Operations Officer for an International manufacturing company with bases in India, Germany, and the UK.
Some of you may know me from 1st KL, where I did most of my Scouting over the past 13 years. I started as parent volunteer, then Cub Leader followed by Scout Leader, Explorer Leader and GSL – most of the time wearing many hats at the same time!
I’ve been back in the UK for a couple of years now, and wanted to stay associated with the District, so when the opportunity to apply for the DC role came up, I thought I would have a go! And here I am…
Scouting has always been a large part of my life and I have been involved since Cubs at 8 years old. For almost 2 years I have been the Deputy District Commissioner for Southern Europe where my time was spent supporting the new and smaller Groups across the District.
I have also been the Group Scout Leader for a large group in east Scotland for the past 20 years, having previously scouted in South London and the Forth Valley.
I have led various contingents to jamborettes in Andalucia, Blair Atholl, Florida and Gibraltar.
Professionally, I work within financial services and lead a team based in the UK and Spain. Consequently I spend quite a bit of time working in both Spain and the UK.
Young people first: safeguarding and safety in Scouting
Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 1026431
Part of The Scout Association
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 306101
Gilwell Park, Chingford, London, E4 7QW