I’m pleased to share with you the appointment of Phil Wright as District Commissioner for Northern Europe, taking over from Chris Tebb on 1st July. Phil, based in Germany, will be working with members in the district and with the support of the Area team to further develop the great work Chris has undertaken during his time as DC, supporting groups and members as we bounced back from our covid challenges. I’d like to express my thanks and those of BSO for Chris’ efforts as DC and wish him well as he continues his Scouting with 1st Prague.
Phil has been working closely with Chris the last few months having started his scouting journey as a parent helper driving the group minibus then having caught the scouting bug he agreed to become the group chairman. Over the years he has taken many roles including Group Scout Leader, District Chairman, and County administrator. He has also had the pleasure of leading three international camps as well as numerous activity days and camps within the UK.
Phil says, In my day-to-day life, I spend my time between Germany and the UK as the Chief Operations Officer for an International manufacturing company with bases in India, Germany, and the UK. Previously I spent 6 years in the British Army and have been a UK sales manager for several UK companies. I have 4 children and 2 grandchildren who I enjoy spending time with.
Nathan Prince
Area Commissioner
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Registered Charity (England & Wales): 1026431
Part of The Scout Association
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 306101
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